PowerBI Template: ACSC Essential Eight


This PowerBI Template Kit enables you to easily report the results of a maturity assessment against the ACSC Essential Eight. With a simple Excel import file and templatized analysis, you can quickly provide interactive dashboards to clients in a repeatable manner.


  • Support for maturity level 1, 2, or 3 assessments

  • Control distributions across mitigation strategies, evidence quality, and implementation status

  • Framework explorer to understand mitigation strategy > control mappings

  • Action items - mitigation strategies with control gaps

  • Detailed control information including implementation status, evidence quality, test type, and assessment justification

  • Filter against mitigation strategy, control, implementation status, and evidence quality

What you get

  1. PowerBI Template file (.pbit)

  2. Excel data import file (.xlsx)

  3. User Guide (.pdf)

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